Cemetery Records Update
Cemetery Records Update

Periodically, we ask families to update their records with our office. What is that all about?
While cemetery plans are often set in stone (pun intended), we do find that family circumstances occasionally change, requiring an update to our records. In general, when we ask for a records update, we want to verify that we have their most current address, phone number and other contact information on file for families who have made advance cemetery plans.
We also want to make sure that we have current information on the next of kin, so we have all their information when the time comes. Additionally, a records update is a great time for a family to review their cemetery plans with our staff, including what is taken care of already, and what costs would still be incurred in the future upon passing.
Many families tell us how helpful it is to have cemetery arrangements made ahead of time. This opportunity is available to anyone who wants to ease the burden on surviving family members, and we have many options for burial and cremation memorialization from which to choose. If you have updates to your records or would like to learn more about these options, including a payment plan for prearrangements, please give us a call at 785-234-6605 or send us a message and we’ll be in touch soon.