Is our mausoleum the right choice for you?
Is our mausoleum the right choice for you?

When you visit our cemetery, you may notice the large granite structure in the middle of the grounds. This is our mausoleum, which is a building which provides above-ground burial. Our mausoleum includes spaces in the inside and outside-facing walls. The front of the mausoleum space is opened and the casket is placed inside.
The mausoleum has many beautiful features, including stained-glass windows and stonework depicting the Good Shepherd and the Resurrection. It is fronted with beautifully polished Carnelian granite, and bronze plaques with flower vases distinguish each space. Nearby roads and sidewalks provide easy access for visitors.
Mausoleum spaces start at $3,990 and many families find them to be an economical alternative to ground burial, because it does not require the purchase of a vault. Often when the price of a ground burial space and burial vault are combined, it can be more affordable to purchase the mausoleum space instead.
If you would like to learn more about these options, including a payment plan for prearrangements, please give us a call at 785-234-6605 or send us a message and we’ll be in touch soon.