Perpetual care funds ensure the future beauty of Memorial Park
Perpetual care funds ensure the future beauty of Memorial Park

When you purchase cemetery property or a marker or monument at Memorial Park, a portion of your payment is set aside in an irrevocable trust fund for what is known as Perpetual Care.
These funds provide for the daily upkeep of the cemetery. Only the earnings generated by the trust are ever used for the maintenance of the cemetery. The principal remains intact to ensure that the cemetery will be maintained forever.
If you’ve ever visited us during the week, you’ll see our grounds crew hard at work mowing the gardens, trimming around each marker and monument, keeping roads swept free of snow or debris, and conducting routine maintenance, all in addition to preparing for the day’s funeral services. These activities are made possible by our perpetual care trust fund.
Cemeteries that do not have perpetual care funds can find themselves unable to care for the cemetery grounds in the best manner. Expenses like fallen trees, road repairs and even routine mowing have to be covered by today’s property sales. If those sales do not materialize, maintenance can suffer. At Memorial Park, this is not a worry. We have over $1 million in trust funds that provide for not only today’s needs, but also the needs of tomorrow and the years to come.
Memorial Park is a beautiful place for burial and cremation memorialization. To speak with one of our helpful staff members about your options, please call us at 785-234-6605, or send us a message and we'll be in touch soon.